Mother Meera Quotes

Mother Meera (1960), born in India, now lives at the foot of Schloss Schaumburg in Balduinstein, a small village in Germany. Here and during her travels around the world she shares her perspectives on “awareness” and “seeing.” Her books contain responses to the questions devotees have put to her over many years.


One Journey Quotations

Quotes by Mother Meera…

When you know that you are eternal you can play your true role in time. When you know you are divine you can become completely human. When you know you are one with God you are free to become absolutely yourself, individual and holy and my child.

Mother Meera (1960)

There is no rest in this work: the highest serves most lovingly; the wisest listens best; the one who has seen gives his whole life to help others to see. This is the divine way.

Mother Meera (1960)