Saadi Quotes

Saadi (circa 1213 – 1291), also known as Saadi of Shiraz, was a 13th century Persian poet and prose writer. One of the most esteemed writers of the medieval period, his literary masterpieces Bustan and Gulistan remain popular worldwide today. He attended the Nezamiyeh University in Baghdad, studying Islamic sciences, theology, law, history, and Arabic literature. Following the Mongol invasion, he fled Persia and travelled for over twenty years. During that time he lived amongst a varied group of survivors from his war-torn homeland, offering sermons which he continuously worked to perfect by way of direct experience.

One Journey Quotations

Quotes by Saadi…

Take care how you listen to the voice of the flatterer, who, in return for his little stock of words, expects to gain considerable advantages from you. If one day you do not comply with his wishes, he charges you with two hundred defects, instead of perfections.

Saadi (circa 1213 – 1291)