Soren Kierkegaard Quotes

Soren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic and religious author who is widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher. Kierkegaard first attended the School of Civic Virtue, and later went on to study theology at the University of Copenhagen. He was a prolific writer whose works include philosophy, theology, psychology, literary criticism, devotional literature and fiction. Much of Kierkegaard’s work was written under various pseudonyms with strikingly contrasting perspectives. His most well known being Either/Or, published in 1843. By the mid-20th century, his thought exerted a substantial influence on philosophy, theology, and Western culture.

One Journey Quotations

Quotes by Soren Kierkegaard…

So the life of love is hidden, but its secret life is itself in motion and has eternity in it. As the quiet lake, however placidly it lies, is really running water — for is there not a wellspring at bottom? — so love, however quiet it is in its concealment, is ever flowing. But the quiet lake can become dry if its source sometime fails. The life of love, on the contrary, has an eternal wellspring. This life is fresh and everlasting — no cold can chill it — it is too fervent for that. And no heat can exhaust it, its coolness is too fresh for that. But it is hidden.

Soren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855)