The True Source of Happiness That Never Lets You Down
We all enjoy having something special to look forward to. Maybe it’s a party, an upcoming holiday, or a long-awaited vacation. We anticipate pleasurable times ahead that we’re certain will fill us with happiness. But as many people will attest, no matter how beautiful the holiday, how lovely the vacation,…
The Great Gift in Being Imperfect… And Knowing It
One of my favorite quotes on the OneJourney site comes from an unlikely source — the late songwriter and poet, Leonard Cohen. The quote goes like this: Ring the bell that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in….
How to Take Your Destiny Into Your Own Hands
When we look at the progress of our lives, it sometimes seems that we have no control over anything. So many of us see ourselves as victims of destiny or fate. But the wise ones throughout time have offered an encouraging, life-affirming message. They tell us that regardless of outer…
The Secret World of Relationships
As we go through our day, interacting with one another and with life itself, it feels as though these events are what our lives are all about. We rarely suspect that these moment-to-moment experiences are actually just the surface reflections of a deep relationship we already have with an invisible…
The Possibility of A Fearless Life Is Always in Season!
It’s almost time for Halloween (or whatever a similar holiday is called in your part of the world). Here in the United States lawns are sporting 7-foot-tall goblins and ghouls. Horror movies are playing on an endless loop on the TV. And the Food Network, which usually rewards creations for…
Bright New Actions that Lead to the Fearless Life
Fear’s power over us is nothing more than the way it causes us to forget the truth of ourselves, which is this: we are created to eternally transcend the limits of our present nature, to transform who and what we have been in the very moment it ceases to serve…
Let Timeless Wisdom Free You From Anxious Thoughts and Feelings
Anxiety has been a major part of the daily human experience — well, forever it seems. And with everything we’ve done to make ourselves feel better about all of life’s often startling events, it seems we just become more anxious. But the great sages have always told us a new…
Find Freedom From the Pain of Passing Events
When we find ourselves in an unwanted situation, it often seems like things will stay that away forever. One day we find ourselves alone, and we tell ourselves we’ll always be lonely. Maybe our plans are thwarted, and we feel like we’ll never be happy. Even physically, when we have…
Discover the One Thing That Isn’t Temporary
We all want the comfort of knowing that there are things we can count on, that there is something in this life permanent. Yet, everything seems to slip away from us; people, places, and events all change. And as they go so does our sense of security, leaving us once…
The Truth About Power That Can Change Your Life!
It’s clear that a lot of us are feeling anxious these days. Between wars and political disputes and economic uncertainties — all of which seem to affect us daily, we’re all facing challenges. And to add to the discomfort, it seems like there’s very little we personally can do to…