The following individuals and organizations have decided to support the OneJourney Project in its ongoing effort to bring the light of higher self-understanding into every corner of our troubled world.

Dr. Daniel Amen — Amen Clinics, Inc.
Amen Clinics, Inc. specializes in brain health, innovative neuroscience research, diagnosis and treatment for a wide variety of neuropsychiatric, behavioral and learning problems in children, teenagers and adults.
Marlise Karlin — The Simplicity of Stillness Method
Marlise Karlin is an internationally renowned author, recording artist, educator, and humanitarian. Her Simplicity of Stillness(R) Method teaches people of every age and culture how to access levels of inner peace and intelligence.
Jonathan Lockwood Huie — DreamThisDay
DreamThisDay provides daily messages of inspiration and hope in support of the goals of human oneness, global acceptance of cultural and religious diversity, and lives of joy and purpose for all.
The Dr. Reverend James A. Forbes, Jr. — Riverside Church in NY
The Riverside Church, New York City is an interdenominational, interracial, and international congregation. Its members are called to a collective quality of life that leads to personal, spiritual, and social transformation.
Ananda — Nayaswami Jyotish & Swami Kriyananda
Ananda is a spiritual community whose global programs are based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, a man of God who taught how everyone can realize God in their daily lives as a tangible, loving reality.
Quantum Techniques — Dr. Stephen Daniel
Quantum Techniques is an advanced form of energy medicine that provides individuals with the tools needed to heal themselves and others by revealing to the body information that the healing intelligence has lost track of.
Inside Personal Growth — Greg Voisen
Inside Personal Growth provides their readers and listeners with the highest-quality podcast interviews, videos, news stories, and teleseminars featuring today’s leading authors and thinkers in the field of personal growth.
Trans4mind provides online resources for personal development and transformation of body, mind and spirit, including free self-help courses and books, a fortnightly Ezine, “Cultivate Life”, and free ebook downloads.
The Academy for Future Science — Dr. J.J. Hurtak
The Academy For Future Science sponsors outreach programs providing people with educational and scientific tools needed to meet the major transformations in social, cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions.
The Emergent Institute — Don Whittecar
The Emergent Institute is dedicated to supporting special needs artists in achieving self-sufficiency by furthering their educational, employment, and entrepreneurial ventures in the Visual and Performing Arts.
Reverend Ric Beattie — Renaissance Unity
Renaissance Unity is a God-centered community of individuals from diverse backgrounds, traditions and orientations, all dedicated to living spiritual principles that transform lives and the world.
Dr. Maria Reis Habito — The Museum of World Religions
The mission of the Museum is to encourage respect, tolerance and love by fostering dialogue among people of all faiths and backgrounds, to create greater understanding and peaceful interaction in the New Millennium.
Reverend John Shelby Spong — The Center for Progressive Christianity
The Center for Progressive Christianity provides guiding ideas, spiritual networking opportunities, and resources for progressive churches, organizations, individuals, and others with connections to Christianity.
Robert “Skip” Backus — The Omega Institute
Through its workshops, conferences, and retreats, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies offers diverse and innovative educational experiences that inspire an integrated approach to personal and social change.
Kit Miller — The M.K. Ghandi Institute for Non Violence
The M.K. Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence works to realize the vision of its historic namesake. Its programs for social justice help individuals and communities worldwide realize a nonviolent, sustainable and just world.
Terry Taylor — Interfaith Paths to Peace
The work of Interfaith Paths to Peace is to help make the community, the nation and the world more peaceful through programs and events that help people realize a greater, more inclusive inter-religious understanding.
Michael Beckwith — Agape International Spiritual Center
Agape reaches deep into local and global communities teaching individuals about the transforming power of prayer, meditation, and selfless service.