But I remember now
I am in this earthly world; where to do harm
Is often laudable, to do good sometime
Accounted dangerous folly.
Find Freedom From the Pain of Passing Events
When we find ourselves in an unwanted situation, it often seems like things will stay that away forever. One day we find ourselves alone, and we tell ourselves we’ll always be lonely. Maybe our plans are thwarted, and we feel like we’ll never be happy. Even physically, when we have a headache or a bout of indigestion, it seems like […]
Discover the One Thing That Isn’t Temporary
We all want the comfort of knowing that there are things we can count on, that there is something in this life permanent. Yet, everything seems to slip away from us; people, places, and events all change. And as they go so does our sense of security, leaving us once again seeking something to give us a permanent sense of […]
The Truth About Power That Can Change Your Life!
It’s clear that a lot of us are feeling anxious these days. Between wars and political disputes and economic uncertainties — all of which seem to affect us daily, we’re all facing challenges. And to add to the discomfort, it seems like there’s very little we personally can do to resolve anything. Yes, the world feels like it’s in turmoil. […]