
The Truth About Power That Can Change Your Life!

It’s clear that a lot of us are feeling anxious these days. Between wars and political disputes and economic uncertainties — all of which seem to affect us daily, we’re all facing challenges. And to add to the discomfort, it seems like there’s very little we personally can do to resolve anything. Yes, the world feels like it’s in turmoil. […]

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Realize Your Power Over Painful Reactions

Isn’t it phenomenal that we spend our lives trying to produce powers for ourselves to protect and keep in place all the things that we believe are necessary for us to have a life with the least possible worry? And yet, our days are consumed with spending thought and emotional energy trying to figure out how this change affects that, […]

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The Timeless Understanding That Helps You Grow Beyond Your Pain

When it comes to psychological and spiritual pain, it appears in many different forms. Anger, fear, depression, loneliness, regret, guilt, unrequited love… the list goes on and on. When we’re overcome by these emotions, we’re usually quick to blame someone or something for the pain we feel. But does that ever help? It seems the pain just gets worse. We […]

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The Surprising Secret Behind True Success

Most of us believe that achieving success is an enviable thing. And yet, when we hear of the experiences of people who have attained what we think of as success, they often tell us it just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. For one thing, no matter what they get, it’s never enough. They always feel compelled to run […]

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Progress on the Path to Divine Love

Have you ever seen time-lapse photography of a budding seed? It reveals something very interesting about the nature of growth. The new plant doesn’t break out of the seed husk and then grow toward the light in one continuous motion. Rather there are starts and stops and even setbacks all along the way. There are forward steps and backward steps, […]

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Step Past Secret Self-Limitations

The key to leaving behind our self-created and self-limited world is to be found in our willingness to keep going even when it “feels” like something bad is happening to us or that we’re going “nowhere fast.” The idea of quitting or turning back is the unfortunate option that occurs only when we have an incomplete understanding of any given […]

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Where to Look for Real Life Solutions

In recent years we’ve seen scientists solve amazing mysteries about how our bodies work, about new modes of energy, about new ways to communicate with one another, about the origins of the cosmos itself. And yet, very little has advanced in how we understand ourselves. And so, if anything, humans have gone more “off the rails” in terms of anger, […]

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The Power to Stop Making Yourself Powerless

There are a host of unusual relationships that appear in the heart of the aspirant where things that seem to be divided aren’t really divided at all. Can you have a need for water if water didn’t exist? If I need water, if I need to drink, it’s axiomatic that something satisfies that thirst, otherwise I wouldn’t be thirsty. The […]

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The Key to Compassionate Human Relationships

Depending on how old we each are, we’ve all felt, so many times, the promise of peace in the world… When this war is over. When this new political party takes charge. When this scientific discovery changes everything. And yet here we are in January, 2024, 24 years into the new millennium, and in spite of all the wars we’ve […]

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