Seven Simple Exercises to Invite the Extraordinary Life
By Guy Finley, OneJourney Founder I can think of no greater encouragement than the self-evident Truth that there dwells in each of us the opportunity to explore and know the Extraordinary Life. The meaning of Extraordinary I wish to convey points to the immutable and inexhaustible source that is the…
Nurture the Seeds of Your Soul
The great sages throughout time have recognized that we are born with seeds of the soul, but they must be nurtured if they are to flower. We are not born perfect, but we are born with a potential beyond anything we can currently imagine. That potential is a gift, but…
Drop Your Old Thoughts About Your Relationship and Help Make It New
Q&A with Guy Finley Being renewed by love, and beginning your life all over again, are one and the same interior action. It starts with becoming aware of, and then bringing a conscious end to all lingering relationships you may have with old thoughts and feelings that want you to…
To Realize Unconditional Love Learn to Call On Relationship Magic!
Of all the incredible emotions in the world, there is probably none that so easily turns us upside down and inside out — none so commanding and fascinating, all at once — as the power of love. Who doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by love and feel that incomparable excitement?…
Advanced Lessons in Letting Go
Just as a storm in the atmosphere of the earth is born of conflicting fronts of different temperatures colliding with one another, so too must there be conflicting forces within us in order to form a mental or emotional storm. Our task is to become conscious of these unseen forces…
Find the Personal Wholeness You Yearn for by Seeing Your Place in the Web of Life
There is a great intelligence in this universe that we are within, and that is within us. The other day I saw a segment on the popular television program 60 Minutes that showed some of the amazing images of our universe recently taken by the Hubble telescope. They show billions…
How to Use Any Loss to Gain a New Life
While the wounds of a loss are still fresh, it may seem impossible to see any good in it. But the loss can open our hearts to new understanding. As we can see every day, loss is a significant part of life. We all suffer losses, big and small. The…
Find Safety and Happiness in the World Above Thought
We can’t imagine there could be understanding and wisdom without thinking… and yet the true answers we seek can only be found in a realm above thought that’s connected to higher wisdom. Thinking, thinking, thinking. It’s what we do, day in and day out. We think about the past. We…
The Beauty and Promise in Being Alone
Being alone holds beautiful possibilities for the person who is open to them. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s hard not to these days: it seems like everyone is running everywhere, going places they’re ready to leave the moment they get there, spending time with people they may…
How to “Jump Off the Pain Train”
Everything we are is a reflection of greater powers than we can know, and our true strength comes in aligning ourselves with them. Pain is a universal condition. I’m talking about inner pain: depression, guilt, regret, anger — any of a thousand different negative emotions that tear us apart. Pain…