Liberation does not concern the person, for liberation is freedom from the person. Jean Klein (1912 – 1998)

Liberation does not concern the person, for liberation is freedom from the person. Jean Klein (1912 – 1998)
Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
Stand, stand!… Nothing routs us but The villainy of our fears. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
Let each man think himself an act of God. His mind a thought, his life a breath of God. Philip James Bailey (1816 – 1902)
We seek what one might call a relative omnipotence: the power to have everything we want, to enjoy everything we desire, to demand that all our wishes be satisfied and that our will should never be frustrated or opposed. It is the need to have everyone else bow to our judgment and accept our declarations as law. It is the […]
If you persist in trying To attain what is never attained If you persist in making effort To obtain what effort cannot get; If you persist in reasoning About what cannot be understood, you will be destroyed By the very thing you seek. To know when to stop To know when you can get no further By your own action, […]
O thou that pinest in the imprisonment of the Actual, and criest bitterly to the gods for a kingdom wherein to rule and create, know this for a truth: the thing thou seekest is already here, “here or nowhere,” couldst thou only see. Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881)
To will what God wills is the only science that gives us rest. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 – 1882)
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Khalil Gibran (1883 – 1931)
A Creed for Those Who Have Suffered I asked God for strength that I might achieve… I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things… I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy… I was given poverty […]