The highest good can only be beheld by those who are very pure in spirit, and can only be tasted when the passions are as they should be. This is why Saint Augustine prays: “O Lord, let me taste in my will what I know in my mind, and feel through love what I grasp through awareness.” Saint Bonaventure (1221 […]
Niels Bohr Quote – “Everything I say must be understood not as an affirmation…”
Everything I say must be understood not as an affirmation but as a question. Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)
David Bohm Quote – “Whatever you think appears in consciousness as a show…”
Whatever you think appears in consciousness as a show. That’s the way thought works to display its content, as a show of imagination. Therefore if you think the observer is separate from the observed, it’s going to appear in consciousness as two different entities. The point is that the words will seem to be coming from the observer who knows, […]
Boethius Quote – “But by never coming to an end…”
But by never coming to an end it seems to make some attempt at rivialing that which it can never fully realize in its being. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (circa 477 – 524)
Jacob Boehme Quote – “Follow my advice, and leave off your difficult seeking…”
Follow my advice, and leave off your difficult seeking for the knowledge of God by means of your selfish will and reasoning. Throw away that imaginary reason, which your mortal self thinks to possess, and your will shall then be the will of God. If He finds His will to be in His, then will is will become manifest in […]
Jacob Boehme Quote – “When thou art gone forth wholly from the creature…”
When thou art gone forth wholly from the creature, and from that which is visible, and art become nothing to all that is nature and creature, then thou art in that Eternal One which is God himself. And then thou shalt perceive and feel in thy interior the highest virtue of love… Whosoever finds it, finds all things. Jacob Boehme […]
Jacob Boehme Quote – “It is not ‘man’ in the abstract who recognizes anything…”
It is not “man” in the abstract who recognizes anything. It is always a certain principle, having become active in him, that recognizes its own counterpart in external nature, when it comes in contact with it. Only he in whom is light can see the light; only the element of love can feel love; only the divinity in man can […]
Jacob Boehme Quote – “He to whom time is like eternity…”
He to whom time is like eternity, and eternity like time, is free. Jacob Boehme (1575 – 1624)
Jacob Boehme Quote – “But if you keep quiet, and desist from thinking and feeling…”
But if you keep quiet, and desist from thinking and feeling with your own personal selfhood, then will the eternal hearing, seeing, and speaking become revealed to you, and God will see and hear and perceive through you. Jacob Boehme (1575 – 1624)
Jacob Boehme Quote – “All we taste, against all we lack, is like a single drop of water…”
All we taste, against all we lack, is like a single drop of water against the whole sea… for we feed upon His Immensity, which we cannot devour, and we yearn after His Infinity, which we cannot attain. Jacob Boehme (1575 – 1624)