Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit. And there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of workings, but the same God who worketh all in all. Paul the Apostle (circa 5 A.D. – 64 A.D.)
Quote by Paul the Apostle – “Hope that is seen is not hope…”
We are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope, for who hopeth for that which he seeth? Paul the Apostle (circa 5 A.D. – 64 A.D.)
Dogen Quote – “When we first seek the truth, we think we are far from it…”
When we first seek the truth, we think we are far from it. When we discover that the truth is already in us, we are all at once our original self. If we watch the shore from a boat, it seems that the shore is moving. But when we watch the boat directly, we know it is the boat that […]
Benjamin Disraeli Quote – “If we desert the true for the pleasant…”
If we desert the true for the pleasant, we shall lose both the pleasant and the true. But if we desert the pleasant for the true, the peace of truth will soothe away our sorrow. If we barter the higher for the lower, emptiness and anguish will overtake us, and then, having abandoned the Eternal, where is our rock of […]
Dionysius the Areopagite Quote – “Exercise yourself unceasingly in mystical contemplation…”
Exercise yourself unceasingly in mystical contemplation. Abandon feelings. Renounce intellectual activities. Reject all that belongs to the perceptible and the intelligible. Strip yourself totally of non-being and being and lift yourself as far as you are able to the point of being united in unknowing with Him who is beyond all being and all knowledge. For it is by passing […]
Diogenes Quote – “The first step to self-knowledge is self-distrust…”
The first step to self-knowledge is self-distrust. Nor can we attain to any kind of knowledge, except by a like process. Diogenes (circa 412 – 323 B.C.E.)
Didymus the Blind Quote – “To know goodness is not sufficient to reach blessedness…”
To know goodness is not sufficient to reach blessedness if one does not put goodness into practice with works. Piety towards God is actually the beginning of knowledge. Didymus the Blind (circa 313 – 398)
Didymus the Blind Quote – “Wisdom is needed to recognize a wise person…”
Wisdom is needed to recognize a wise person, the sort of wisdom that illuminates the face of the inner person. Didymus the Blind (circa 313 – 398)
Quote by The Desert Fathers – “One thing is enough for me, Father…”
Three brothers were in the habit of going to see the blessed Anthony every year. The first two would ask him questions about their thoughts and the salvation of the soul. But the third would keep silence without asking anything. Eventually Abba Anthony said to him, “You have been coming here to see me for a long time now and […]
Quote by The Desert Fathers – “I say my prayers and do my meditation…”
Abba Lot came one day to see Abba Joseph and said to him, “Father, I keep my little rule to the best of my ability. I observe my modest fast and my contemplative silence. I say my prayers and do my meditation. I endeavour as far as I can to drive useless thoughts out of my heart. What more can […]