Isaac of Nineveh (circa 613 – 700) was a 7th-century Church of the East Syriac Christian bishop and theologian best remembered for his written works on Christian asceticism. Born in the region of Beth Qatraye in Eastern Arabia, he entered a monastery while still quite young. Revered for his skill in teaching, he was ordained Bishop of Nineveh, but after only five months he renounced his post and travelled south to Mount Matout, where he lived in solitude for many years until retiring to the Monastery of Rabban Shabur. He is regarded as a saint in several branches of Christianity.
Quotes by Isaac of Nineveh…
The mind then transcends prayer… It does not pray a definite prayer, but finds itself in ecstasy in the midst of incomprehensible realities. It is indeed an ignorance superior to knowledge.
When we have reached love, we have reached God and our journey is at an end.
When God sees that in all purity of heart you are trusting in him more than in yourself… then a strength unknown to you will come to make its dwelling in you. And you will feel in all your senses the power of him who is with you.
More than all things, love silence. It brings you a fruit that tongue cannot describe. In the beginning we have to force ourselves to be silent. But then there is born something that draws us to silence. May God give you an experience of this “something” that is born of silence. If you only practice this, untold light will dawn on you in consequence. After a while a certain sweetness is born in the heart of this exercise and the body is drawn almost by force to remain in silence.
Many are avidly seeking, but they alone find who remain in silence. Those who delight in a multitude of words, even though they say admirable things, are empty within. If you love truth, be a lover of silence. Silence like the sunlight will illuminate you in God and will deliver you from the phantoms of ignorance. Silence will unite your soul to God.