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The True Source of Happiness That Never Lets You Down

We all enjoy having something special to look forward to. Maybe it’s a party, an upcoming holiday, or a long-awaited vacation. We anticipate pleasurable times ahead that we’re certain will fill us with happiness.

But as many people will attest, no matter how beautiful the holiday, how lovely the vacation, how special the event, there is often a letdown when it’s all over. All those joys soon prove to be temporary, and now we’re back to the daily slog.

Why is that? And is there such a thing as a happiness that doesn’t disappear as the calendar turns to the next page?

The great sages throughout time have explained where the true source of lasting happiness lies, and it is not in anything “out there.” It lies deep within our own true selves, and that is where we must look if we’re ever to find the answer to our deepest need.

Here are some examples from across the ages of this celestial wisdom:

You traverse the world in search of happiness, which is within the reach of every man; a contented mind confers it on all. — Horace (65 B.C.E. – 8 B.C.E.)

The kingdom of heaven is within. — Jesus Christ (circa 4 B.C.E. – 30 A.D.)

There is a force within that gives you life — seek that. In your body there lies a precious jewel — seek that. Oh, wandering Sufi, if you are in search of the greatest treasure, don’t look outside, look within, and Seek That. — Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207 – 1273)

That which is within a man, not that which lies beyond his vision, is the main factor in what is about to befall him. — George MacDonald (1824 – 1905)

It is not necessary to go off on a tour of great cathedrals in order to find the Deity. Look within. You have to sit still to do it. — Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965)

And finally, here is one more quotation from OneJourney founder Guy Finley:

Guy Finley (1949)

If you want to know your true and proper place in the great story of life, you must learn to read your own heart… for within it, line after line, is written all there is to know. — Guy Finley (1949)

So how do we discover this source of happiness within us? Guy has been helping people on this inner journey for decades now. And one of the best ways he has found for imparting these deep truths is through stories.

Hear (and See) Master Storyteller Guy Finley as He Opens the Door to the Happiness Within

Guy’s Classic DVD Album, Wisdom’s Path to the Happiness Within, Is Yours for a Small Donation.

Guy’s books and talks are filled with many-layered tales that not only entertain, but that point the way to forming a better, more fulfilling relationship with life based in real understanding.

Some years ago, Guy picked out his favorite stories from the many he’s told — memorable tales that carry forceful and poignant images that will tuck themselves into your heart and be your true friends. The result is the delightful DVD album, Wisdom’s Path to the Happiness Within. To create the album Guy retold the stories in a unique, cozy setting that makes you feel as though you’re part of the conversation.

All the stories taken together tell the whole story of your individual journey of self-discovery. They come at you from every angle, playing every note in the beautiful symphony of your life, so that you are enlightened and revitalized. They give you the maps and tools you need to enter upon your own personal Wisdom’s Path.

Truth Tales are the Most Powerful Medium for Sharing Life-changing Wisdom

This is the way that higher knowledge has always been passed down from generation to generation. And Guy Finley tells illuminating stories that can open your eyes to the hidden world within yourself. You will feel enlightened, inspired, and spiritually renewed as you watch and listen to Guy.

Wisdom’s Path to the Happiness Within is made up of ten separate talks (5 hours total), each of which is built around a series of stories that are linked together by Guy’s illuminating explanations and razor-sharp insight.

These stories impart universal spiritual principles, and at the same time they are accessible, charming, friendly, and fascinating to people of all ages. Guy speaks right to you as he tells you the stories that can transform you now, and brighten all the days to come.

You will want to watch these inspiring talks again and again. They will pay you back many times over in new understanding that will enliven your spirit and give you new wisdom to meet every moment.

This outstanding album is available in both DVD format (for those who still own a DVD player or who would like to give a copy to a friend or donate it to a library), and in MP3 format through Life of Learning Foundation (of which OneJourney is an international outreach program).

Click Here to Purchase >>

Untold riches of happiness lie within. Wisdom’s Path to the Happiness Within will help you finally touch the wisdom within you.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Ellen Dickstein
The OneJourney Project

PS: Your purchase will help Life of Learning continue all our outreach programs and our ongoing series of Guy’s free livestreamed talks. And you will get to learn the secrets of your own self-realization. You see? We all benefit.

PPS: You are invited to join Guy Finley’s FREE talks on these life-transforming ideas. All his talks are livestreamed and archived! For details visit

Life of Learning Foundation is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit that operates exclusively on the proceeds received from the sale of Guy Finley materials and charitable donations from our generous supporters. All donations are tax-deductible in the US. Your purchases and donations will help to sow the seeds of higher self-knowledge into every corner of the world. Thank you for your support! Click Here to Make a Donation >>