Universal Virtues for a Fresh Start in Life
As the New Year approaches, many of us feel moved to make a fresh start in life. We want to live in a way that is more personally fulfilling, as well as more beneficial to others. But with all the division we see in the world today, and all the…
A Thanksgiving Prayer
For many of us who live in the United States, it’s Thanksgiving week; one of many thanksgiving celebrations held around the world. The dates and customs may vary across traditions, but what they have in common is setting aside a time to consciously consider the beautiful gift of life we’ve…
How To Have The Love You Want
Some things never change. And one thing that hasn’t changed over the millennia is the utmost importance to us of our relationships with others — especially with our partners in life. Countless songs and novels speak of the glory and the heartache of love. Our own experiences with love, good or…
Here’s Where to Look if You Wish to Find the Divine
We love the idea of the Divine. A benevolent, wise, loving, and timeless Being that oversees and balances all… from a single blade of grass to the greatest of suns. A great Celestial Intelligence underlying all that is created, or that ever will be. The Heart that beats our own…
An Invitation to Stop Useless Suffering
Avoiding suffering doesn’t seem like an option in this world of ours. But what if you could bring your pain into a new order of understanding and then use it to be transformed into someone who never suffers the same way again. All the usual pain that had been a…
The True Source of New Beginnings
There is one thing most of us long for: A new beginning. Doesn’t it feel as though we carry so much baggage with us? Old pains, resentments, fears, insecurities — all based on past experiences that continue to live on in our minds and imaginations. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to…
Stop Listening To Anxiety’s Empty Promises
No anxious state exists apart from the illusion that the security, happiness, and wholeness you long for exists somewhere outside of you — “in a time to come.” Then why do we go on embracing anxious thoughts and feelings that do nothing but steal from us our love of life?…
Let Self-Knowledge Light the Way Ahead
Few are those content with the direction their lives have taken; fewer are the men and women willing to learn why their destiny feels outside their control; and fewer still are those individuals who persist upon the path of self-discovery until realizing the truth of why their worlds unfold as…
Choose to Keep the Company of Truth
Just as we need to keep an eye on the kinds of friends we keep around us, so must we also remain aware of the circle of “friends” we keep within us — our own thoughts and feelings. Not only does the largely unseen content of our mind and heart…
Take Back Authority Over Your Own Life
Each day we hear a knock on our psychological door, and when we open it a pushy person enters and begins to bark out orders: “Worry about this.” “Remember and regret that.” “Work harder!” Is it little wonder we experience only the most fleeting feelings of love, kindness or relaxation?…