Choose to Keep the Company of Truth
Just as we need to keep an eye on the kinds of friends we keep around us, so must we also remain aware of the circle of “friends” we keep within us — our own thoughts and feelings. Not only does the largely unseen content of our mind and heart…
Take Back Authority Over Your Own Life
Each day we hear a knock on our psychological door, and when we open it a pushy person enters and begins to bark out orders: “Worry about this.” “Remember and regret that.” “Work harder!” Is it little wonder we experience only the most fleeting feelings of love, kindness or relaxation?…
Regain True Self-Command
Even though we all know the harm it does to lash out at others, to launch an angry attack or act with cruel intent, we still tend to do these things anyway. The following insights help make clear why this happens to us and how we are made, in effect,…
New Answers that Bring a New Life
Picture a man who just heard that one of his closest friends has betrayed him. How does he respond? What’s his first answer to this ordeal? Anger that includes plans for revenge. Imagine a woman who suddenly realizes she’s going to be late for an important appointment. There’s no way…
How to Change the Life You’re Giving Yourself
We meet life, with all of its complex relationships, through what we know. Each daily event, with its dozens of unsuspected twists and turns, challenges us to come up with our best answers. Once our most suitable answer is at hand, we launch it and ourselves into action and watch…
Five Great Illusions Keeping You from Letting Go
One of the things that makes letting go seem so difficult is the way in which our spiritually asleep mind looks at life: it sees cause and effect as being separate operations. This means our usual action toward anything that troubles us is to struggle with letting go of that…
The Secret to Letting Go of Every Fear
Are you afraid of some condition in your life? Here’s a life-transforming secret: that seemingly scary condition, whatever it may be, is not the problem. It is your reaction that is fearful. This is why if you will become conscious of your condition instead of afraid of it, you will…
Unmask the Three Thieves of Peace
Following is a list for special self-study to help get you started up the path of spiritual freedom. After a careful review of these peace stealing conditions, take time to make a list of your own. Keep it simple. Use casual observations of yourself and others around you to be…
3 Simple Laws to Help You Reach Your Highest Spiritual Possibilities
There are spiritual laws that govern what we will or won’t discover about ourselves in this lifetime. And when we understand that self-knowledge is to our spiritual growth what a spring rain is to the wildflower seeds that await it, then we also realize how vital it is to not…
Take the Step That You’re Sure You Can’t
How many times have you found yourself thinking you’d like to develop a new skill or sharpen an old one? Maybe you’ve wanted to learn another language or play a musical instrument; further your education; or get up out of your easy chair and do some catch-up on that correspondence…