How to Start Stripping Bullies of Their Power
There’s no denying that injustice and hardship hold sway in many places of this world. From a single child bullying another in the schoolyard, to leaders of countries directing the oppression of whole populations, we see the tragic effects when human beings punish others to advance themselves. For those who…
The Proof of Love Is All Around You
All those wise and great beings who have come before us — whether from Asia, India, Europe, the Americas, and from across time — have all shared in the same beautiful revelation: The Great Intelligence that created the universe, and each of us, is always presenting itself and wants to…
How to Transform Dragons
I was looking through the OneJourney Living Book for inspiration one day, and I came upon this beautiful quote by Rainer Maria Rilke, the early 20th Century Austrian Poet and visionary… Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once,…
Find True Happiness in Wholeness
Several months ago we added the following quotation to the OneJourney Living Book: There is only one great life. I can enter into the experience only if I have first come to unity in myself, only if I have come to be a whole. — Jeanne De Salzmann (1889) What…
How to Find the Courage to Live the Life You Want
When we look at the world around us and the world within us, perhaps we wish we could change things — make them better. But it takes courage to face these difficulties head on, and sometimes our fear seems stronger than our better wishes. Human beings have faced this kind…
Within the Darkness Is the Healing Light
Human beings have always looked for solace in troubled times. When we feel discouraged, or overcome with sadness, we say we’re in a dark place, and all we want is to be released from it. Yes, it’s very painful. But enlightened beings across the ages have told us that there…
The Answers You Seek Are Already Within You
One idea that we see again and again in sacred writings is that each one of us is a reflection of higher truth. What that means is that all the answers we seek to our deepest questions about life already lie within us. While it is valuable to study the…
A Brighter Future Always Begins NOW
This is the time of year when many of us think about new beginnings. Each New Year’s Day we write the date — 1/1 — and our hopes are that we can make a new start in life; our wish is to wipe clean the slate our former mistakes, leave…
Fulfill This One Need and You Fulfill the Purpose of Your Life
What is your number one need in life? Of course your physical body has needs that must be met if you are to survive. And you need social interaction and human warmth. But sacred texts from across the ages speak of another need — a need to forge a connection…
The Healing Power of Gratitude
A holiday of thanksgiving is a common practice around the world today, and dates back to celebrations in ancient Greece and China. Since this is November, when the holiday of Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated in the United States, I thought it would be interesting to look at some quotes related…