“Has the road an end or not?” He answered: “The road has an end, but the stations have no end, for the journey is twofold, one to God and one in God.” Alauddin Al-Attar (circa 1119 – 1185)

“Has the road an end or not?” He answered: “The road has an end, but the stations have no end, for the journey is twofold, one to God and one in God.” Alauddin Al-Attar (circa 1119 – 1185)
An individual drop can be merged with the ocean, and still remain meaningful. He has found his “place.” Alauddin Al-Attar (circa 1119 – 1185)
If you think you are behaving well then you are wrong, because seeing your own behavior as good is itself a form of pride. Alauddin Al-Attar (circa 1119 – 1185)