Question: I’m so tired of pushing against life all the time. Where do I find the energy to overcome this relentless stress? Answer: Stress exists because you insist! It’s really that simple. It is your mistaken belief that you must push life in the direction you choose that keeps you in a strained and unhappy relationship with it. Your wish […]
Seeking Approval
Question: I sense that I am imprisoned by a deep need for others to like me, to approve of me. How can I free myself from this need? Answer: Looking for ourselves in the eyes of others throws us behind the walls of a psychic prison. The door slams shut each time we find ourselves feeling good about ourselves simply […]
Quiet The Mind
Question: If we cannot force a mind to be quiet, how does a quiet mind come about that is not forced? Answer: The mind is capable of seeing that what is disturbing it is itself an opposite. Here I am, and I am so concerned about tomorrow — my mind just won’t stop thinking about tomorrow. In the instant that […]
True Purpose
Question: My concerns for running a sound business and making a decent living for my family seem to prevent me from pursuing a spiritual life. The fear of not having enough drives my life. I am so confused about what my true purpose should be, and I long to strike a balance between worldly concerns and spiritual growth. Answer: The […]
Working for World Peace
Question: Ever since I learned about the law of attraction (and have experienced it), I have stopped reading newspapers because I don’t want to give my attention and energy to the conflicts in this world, but rather to peace and happiness. However, I feel like this is making me ignorant. I really do want to work towards international conflict resolution […]
Being Who You Really Are
Question: I found your tapes at a very difficult time in my life. I work in a very challenging environment and I couldn’t understand why I was so unpopular and unhappy. I am slowly realising that the desires I have are earthly and do nothing for my spiritual growth. My question is, how can I releax and not worry about […]