There is an endless Kingdom to be inhabited. John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)

There is an endless Kingdom to be inhabited. John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)
Some sleep when they should keep awake, and some forget when they should remember. And this is the very cause why often at the resting-places some pilgrims, in some things, come off losers. Pilgrims should watch, and remember what they have already received. John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)
There are, by the direction of the Lawgiver, certain good and substantial steps, placed even through the very midst of this Slough… these steps are hardly seen… notwithstanding, the steps be there; but the ground is good when they are once got in at the Gate. John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)
Here a man shall be free from the noise and from the hurryings of this life: all states are full of noise and confusion; only the Valley of Humiliation is that empty and solitary place. Here a man shall not be so let and hindered in his contemplation as in other places he is apt to be. This is a […]