There is an unspeakable pleasure attending the life of a voluntary student. Oliver Goldsmith (circa 1728 – 1774)

There is an unspeakable pleasure attending the life of a voluntary student. Oliver Goldsmith (circa 1728 – 1774)
The virtue which requires to be ever guarded is scarcely worth the sentinel. Oliver Goldsmith (circa 1728 – 1774)
To pursue trifles is the lot of humanity; and whether we bustle in a pantomime or strut at a coronation, whether we shout at a bonfire or harangue in a senate-house — whatever object we follow, it will at last surely conduct us to futility and disappointment. Oliver Goldsmith (circa 1728 – 1774)
Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Oliver Goldsmith (circa 1728 – 1774)
Every mind seems capable of entertaining a certain quantity of happiness, which no institutions can increase, no circumstances alter, and entirely independent of fortune. Oliver Goldsmith (circa 1728 – 1774)