
Emilio Castelar Quotes

Emilio Castelar (1832 – 1899) was a Spanish orator and author. Following his education at the University of Madrid, he became professor of history there. After the revolution of 1868, he gained a seat in parliament and eventually assumed leadership of the new republic in 1873, soon resigning in 1874. In 1875 he established a daily newspaper in Madrid. Castelar was the author of numerous works, including novels, histories, and political speeches.

One Journey Quotations

Quotes by Emilio Castelar…

To believe that happiness exists in a feverish ambition, rather than in a tender and simple affection, is to believe that the immensity of the sea will more readily quench thirst than the pure, clear water of a humble fountain.

Emilio Castelar (1832 – 1899)