William Law Quotes

William Law (1686 – 1761) was an English writer. After attending Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he was ordained in 1711. He remained there as a teacher until the accession of George I, when his conscience forbade him to take the oaths of allegiance to the new government, continuing as a simple priest until that too became impossible. He then began to teach privately and write extensively. The reading of Jacob Boehme’s works deeply moved Law, inspiring him to write his mystical works: The Spirit of Prayer, The Way to Divine Knowledge, and The Spirit of Love.

One Journey Quotations

Quotes by William Law…

Self is the whole evil of fallen nature; self-denial is our capacity of being saved; humility is our savior. This is every man’s short lesson of life, and he that has well learned it, is scholar enough, and has had all the benefit of a most finished education.

William Law (1686 – 1761)

Let me tell you, that as here lies all the true and real freedom, which cannot be taken from you, so in the constant exercise of this freedom, that is, in a continual leaving yourself to, and depending upon the operation of God in your soul, lies all your road to heaven. No divine virtue can be had any other way.

William Law (1686 – 1761)

Begin to search and dig in your own field for this pearl of eternity… and when you have found it you will know that all which you have sold or given away for it is as mere a nothing as a bubble upon the water.

William Law (1686 – 1761)


It is always with us, but there must be an opening of the heart to it, and though it is always there, yet it is only felt and found by those who are attentive to it, depend upon, and humbly wait for it.

William Law (1686 – 1761)