Anonymous Sayings

Anonymous Sayings

Quotes from Anonymous Sources…

Who would claim that they are living according to God who throughout whole days or even months and years do not sigh out to God and do not aspire to God? A clear sign of death is not breathing. If this breathing is prayer, not to pray is a sign of death. The spiritual life, by which we are children of God, is rooted in love… Who loves without wanting to see the person he loves? God asks nothing of the highest soul but attention.

Anonymous Priest

All the water in the world,
However hard it tried,
Could never, never sink a ship,
Unless it got inside.
And all the evil in the world,
The blackest kind of sin.
Can never hurt you one least bit —
Unless you let it in!


It is an extraordinary fact and an extraordinary piece of evidence for the truth of religion, that a person’s long hours spent in silent communication with God, who never directly answers, is nevertheless manifestly a two-way communication. Such a person is gradually and permanently altered in the depths of his personality in ways which would be inconceivable if there was really nothing there at all.


The Great Spirit is the name given to the life force radiating from all creation. This energy is called many things by many different people: the Creator, A’wonawil’onas (Zuni), Wankan-Tankan (Sioux), God, Tirawa (Pawnee), Great Mystery and Grandfather.
