A man’s gift is called an upright life. It is that gift that makes room for him and makes him worthy of the fullness of God. It is that very thing which is called the “throne” of the holy powers. Evagrius Ponticus (345 – 399 AD)

A man’s gift is called an upright life. It is that gift that makes room for him and makes him worthy of the fullness of God. It is that very thing which is called the “throne” of the holy powers. Evagrius Ponticus (345 – 399 AD)
Let us not ask, “Why was I placed in this body?” or “Why was I not made an angel?” Does not God show partiality? Do we not have free will? All these questions simply multiple vanity. How can the creature say to the Creator, “Why did you make me like this?” or how can a creature answer back to God? […]