The Great Spirit is the name given to the life force radiating from all creation. This energy is called many things by many different people: the Creator, A’wonawil’onas (Zuni), Wankan-Tankan (Sioux), God, Tirawa (Pawnee), Great Mystery and Grandfather. Anonymous
Ancient Prayer – “More radiant than the sun, purer than the snow, subtler than the ether…”
More radiant than the sun, purer than the snow, subtler than the ether, is the Self, the spirit within my heart. I am that Self, that Self am I. Ancient Prayer
Native American Quote – “Treat the Earth well, it was not given to you by your parents…”
Treat the Earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Native American Tradition
Anchorite Prayer – “Sublime me, Master Alchemist, Again, again And yet again In the cracked…”
Sublime me, Master Alchemist, Again, again And yet again In the cracked And sooty retort Of my own unwilling Skin. In your cruel, Impartial fires Bone and brain All vain desires, Vanity and inward blight Refine. Reform me Free of what obscures your Light. Transparent Make this vessel be So to embrace, Transmit and focus Your life-searing energy That so […]
Henri Amiel Quote – “The being who has attained harmony, and every being may attain it…”
The being who has attained harmony, and every being may attain it, has found his place in the order of the universe and represents the divine thought as clearly as a flower or a solar system. Harmony seeks nothing outside itself. It is what it ought to be; it is the expression of right, order, law and truth; it is […]
Native American Quotation – “Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.”
Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Native American Tradition
Saint Ambrose Quote – “A soul also desires many kisses of the Word…”
A soul also desires many kisses of the Word, so that she may be enlightened with the light of the knowledge of God. For this is the kiss of the Word, I mean the light of holy knowledge. Saint Ambrose (337 – 397)
James Allen Quote – He that hath not unbroken gentleness hath not Truth
He that hath not unbroken gentleness hath not Truth. James Allen (1864 – 1912)
James Allen Quote – “That which is real cannot be destroyed…”
That which is real cannot be destroyed, but only that which is unreal. When a man finds that within him which is real, which is constant, abiding, changeless, and eternal, he enters into that Reality, and becomes meek. All the powers of darkness will come against him, but they will do him no hurt, and will at last depart from […]
Bab Siyyid `Ali Muhammad Shirazi Quote – “God loveth those who are pure…”
God loveth those who are pure. Naught in the Bayan and in the sight of God is more loved than purity and immaculate cleanliness… God desireth not to see, in the Dispensation of the Bayan, any soul deprived of joy and radiance. He indeed desireth that under all conditions, all may be adorned with such purity, both inwardly and outwardly, […]