If a man would find the Key of Knowledge, let him find himself. James Allen (1864 – 1912)
James Allen Quote – “Oh, thou that pinest in the imprisonment of the Actual…”
Oh, thou that pinest in the imprisonment of the Actual, and criest bitterly to the gods for a kingdom wherein to rule and create, know this of a truth: the thing thou seekest is already within thee, here and now, couldest thou only see! James Allen (1864 – 1912)
James Allen Quote – “To find the permanent amid all the changes of life…”
To find the permanent amid all the changes of life, and, having found it, adhere to it under all circumstances… this only is true happiness, this only is salvation and lasting peace. James Allen (1864 – 1912)
James Allen Quote – “Nothing is hidden from him who overcomes himself…”
Nothing is hidden from him who overcomes himself. Into the cause of causes shalt thou penetrate, and lifting, one after another, every veil of illusion, shalt reach at last the inmost Heart of Being. Thus becoming one with Life, thou shalt know all life, and, seeing into causes, and knowing realities, thou shalt be no more anxious about thyself, and […]
Abu Yazid Al-Bistami Quote – “This thing we tell of can never be found by seeking…”
This thing we tell of can never be found by seeking, yet only seekers find it. Abu Yazid Al-Bistami (804 – 874)
Abu Yazid Al-Bistami Quote – “I made four mistakes in my preliminary steps in this way…”
I made four mistakes in my preliminary steps in this way: I thought that I remember Him, that I know Him, that I love Him and that I seek Him. But when I reached Him, I saw that His remembering of me preceded my remembrance of Him, that His knowledge about me preceded my knowledge of Him, that His love […]
Aeschylus Quote – The force of necessity is irresistible
The force of necessity is irresistible. Aeschylus (circa 525 – 455 B.C.E)
John Quincy Adams Quote – “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect…”
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1848)
Quote from A Course in Miracles – “And this is a miracle: the moment that you realize…”
And this is a miracle: the moment that you realize that there is no way to make a home, then this whole existence is home. Then wherever you are, you are at home. A Course In Miracles (1975)
Vernon Howard Quote – “The only sane thing to do with the world…”
The only sane thing to do with the world is to let it struggle with its own problems. You can do this only when seeing clearly that the world prefers to struggle painfully with its problems, never really wanting solutions. Vernon Howard (1918 – 1992)