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Find Freedom From the Pain of Passing Events

When we find ourselves in an unwanted situation, it often seems like things will stay that away forever. One day we find ourselves alone, and we tell ourselves we’ll always be lonely. Maybe our plans are thwarted, and we feel like we’ll never be happy. Even physically, when we have a headache or a bout of indigestion, it seems like we’ll never feel well again. Our minds are always quick to jump in and paint a bleak picture of our future, and we take their grim predictions as true.

But as easy as it is to get discouraged when our own thoughts tell us “this will never change,” it has long been understood that no matter how any moment may appear, “this too shall pass.” It’s our own resistance that holds these moments in place; which means, difficult moments pass for us when our work of self-discovery shows us those inner voices don’t know anything, and we stop listening to them.

With clearer eyes we are now able to welcome the ever-changing flow of real life. It may not always bring what we want, but it always brings new opportunity of an unexpected and transformational kind. When we stop insisting that our own demands must be met, the doors of the universe are flung open.

Everything comes, and then passes away. It’s the law of life. When we come into harmony with that law, these comings and goings are seen as part of the natural flow, and we are created to deal with them – both the pain and the joy.

Here is some wisdom, old and new, that gives us deeper understanding:

Gautama Buddha (circa 560 - 483 B.C.E.)

Impermanent are all component things… nothing comes into existence but there is the seeds of its own dissolution. — Buddha (circa 560 – 483 B.C.E.)

Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180)

All things change, yet we need not fear anything new. — Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832)

The conscious self is that which remains constant in its pure universality through all particular, changeful experiences. — John Caird (1820 – 1898)

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881)

It’s the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet tender joy. — Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881)

One by one (bright gifts from Heaven)
Joys are sent thee here below;
Take them readily when given,
Ready too to let them go…
One by one thy griefs shall meet thee,
Do not fear an armed band;
One will fade as others greet thee;
Shadows passing through the land.
— Adelaide Anne Procter (1825-1864)

And finally, here is some timeless inspiration from OneJourney founder Guy Finley:

Guy Finley (1949)

Everything passes. There is great beauty in this, both in the passing of pain and in the passing of pleasure. When things present themselves to you as permanent, don’t believe it. Exercise a reasonable doubt. Discover from your own experience that the negative event that seems so overwhelming is not the power it presents itself to be. — Guy Finley (1949)

But There’s More to This Beautiful Story

Our understanding of the passing of all things in life is a great comfort, but there’s more good news of a different kind. Within the change there is something wonderful that is permanent. And we’re meant to know and be a part of it.

Vernon Howard describes it like this:

Vernon Howard Quotes

You possess a real and permanent nature. It is within you, awaiting your development of it. This authentic nature has total power to banish worry, loneliness, confusion and all other pains. It is the right door to pleasant human relations at home and in your love life. It always knows what to do for you. So seek this true self — it also seeks you. It is like discovering a secret map to a lost treasure. New inner riches will be yours to keep and enjoy. Just find out who you really are. The rest is done for you. — Vernon Howard (1918 – 1992)

Guy Finley has been speaking and writing about this uniquely human possibility and how to fulfill it for decades.

To help you investigate this further and embark on the greatest adventure of your life, Guy is providing an excerpt from his powerful book, The Intimate Enemy. Click here to read the excerpt now >>

The discovery of our permanent nature is the purpose of our life. When we find what is real and permanent, we no longer see any passing event as a threat that can take anything valuable from us.

Best wishes,

Dr. Ellen Dickstein
The OneJourney Project

PS: You are invited to attend Guy Finley’s FREE online talks on these powerful and life-changing ideas. He speaks every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning, and all his talks are livestreamed and archived! To register visit

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