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Self-Realization: Fulfilling the Highest Purpose of Your Life

Would you be willing to take part in a quick little experiment where, in exchange for just a moment of your time, you might make a life-changing discovery? Okay, then here it is: First, as you read this, bring your attention back to yourself. Now, take a deep breath, look around you, and realize you’re alive; you’re breathing; you’re in […]

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The Upanishads (circa 800 – 200 B.C.E.)

Quotation from the Upanishads – “Different is the Good and different is the dear…”

Different is the Good and different is the dear, they both, having different aims, fetter you men; He, who chooses for himself the Good, comes to wellbeing, he, who chooses the dear, loses the goal. The Good and the dear approach the man, The wise man, pondering over both, distinguishes them; The wise one chooses the Good over the dear, […]

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