Embark on the Journey to Divine Love
We call what we do here the OneJourney Project. But what does “OneJourney” mean? I thought a brief exploration would be worthwhile. First, the journey we’re referring to is the inward journey to discovering who we really are: our essential being beyond our physical bodies and surface personalities. Along the…
Realize Your True Self in the Pool of Wisdom
The minute something happens, there is a reaction that takes place to the event which leads us to want to figure out how to resolve this pain we’re in: fix the person or change the condition so the disturbance we’re feeling will go away. Basically, we meet the disturbance with…
Bright Thoughts for the New Year
The New Year is almost upon us, which is always a time for new beginnings. Of course the real beauty of life is that every day, every moment really, offers the opportunity for a new beginning. This month I thought I’d just share some lovely, inspiring quotes that remind us…
How to Feel True Gratitude in Every Moment
In a year that seems to have just flown by, here it is again — autumn, and a time in many cultures when people acknowledge all we have to be grateful for. But we have seen some difficult years of late, and many people have grown discouraged. There’s so much…
How to Find the Secret Gift in Moments You Don’t Want
Needless to say, hardly a day goes by that we don’t find ourselves frustrated, rushing, resentful — even over minor disruptions. And then there are the major losses and trials that tax us to the core. To say the least: our lives aren’t perfect. This is just the way it…
Start Seeing Life in a Bright New Way
Have you ever looked back on an experience in your life and wished you’d seen things more clearly before you got into that doomed relationship, or you said those hurtful things, or you wasted so much time on an endeavor that did nothing to nourish your true self? It has…
How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy and Discover Your True Friend
We’ve all heard the expression, “You are your own worst enemy.” In fact, it’s a theme that runs through all the sacred texts and philosophies since the beginning of time. Most likely we’ve seen this principle operating in ourselves. Perhaps it was in a moment when we caught ourselves doing…
An Amazing Revelation About How to End Fear
Is it possible for fear to disappear? Let’s find out. And let me say at the outset, I’m not talking about the fear of meeting a bear or driving through a forest fire. These are natural fears based in physical danger. We can’t and don’t want to get rid of…
Welcome to the Greatest Adventure of Your Life
The fact that you’re reading this right now makes me think that perhaps you have certain feelings about your life that I am very familiar with, because I feel them as well. It’s a feeling that something is missing. That there must be more to life than what our daily…
How to Wake Up From a Dark Imagination and Enter Real Life
The other day I had an experience I’ve had countless times during my life, and I think it’s likely that you have had it too. I was going about my usual morning routine when unbidden, and without my awareness, a memory of a past, painful experience crept into my consciousness…