Until we realize that continually identifying with our own conflicting desires about how to win peace of mind is like using a cannon blast to light a candle, we will only remain at war within ourselves — all the while blaming the world around us for its insensitive inability to grant us that imagined peace we so desperately seek! Let’s […]
Free Yourself From These Four Types of Toxic People (Choosing the Company You Keep)
Those with whom we assemble, we soon resemble! This simple old saying hides a deep Truth that can enlighten and empower every aspect of our lives: Who we are — our very essence — is continually being transformed by the company we keep. Stated differently, when we keep the company of what is light and bright, our lives get lighter […]
Let the Greatest Saints & Sages of All Time Tell You Their Secrets
Discover the men and women who have kept truthful ideas alive across the generations! Over 400 of them are waiting to share their inspiration with you at OneJourney’s Living Book. Here’s a small sample of the saints and sages whose wisdom will help you awaken to a whole new world within you. Some of them you won’t recognize, but you’ll […]
Choose Love
When we see the evidence of the rapidly mounting hostility in the world around us, it’s tempting to be drawn into fear and worry over the growth of this creeping darkness. But our task is to remember that we always have a choice. And when any one of us chooses in favor of our higher wish — to understand instead […]
Let the Light of Right Triumph
Three decades ago, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame songwriter and performing artist, Neil Young, released an album with the spiritually prophetic title, “Rust Never Sleeps.” He could see the presence of corruptive forces at work in the world, as well as the fact that they would spread out, like the rust that gradually consumes the metal it contacts. He […]
Here’s What One Person Can Do to Change the World
Most of us want the world to be a better, brighter place than it is; some of us want to do whatever we can to make it so, but it can seem so daunting a task. Even for the willing few, the question remains: how can just one person do anything of consequence to turn the tide of all the […]
Never Lose Sight of the Big Picture
It seems that every week some shocking event occurs that makes us wonder about the future of our planet. But rather than despair, these are the times to remember that there is much more to life than these random acts of angry human beings who cannot see the common bonds at the core of our being. We all suffer the […]
Heal Your Life with Timeless Wisdom
One of the most exciting aspects of the OneJourney Living Book of quotations is that through your explorations of it you can prove to yourself that wisdom is indeed timeless. Great truths are rediscovered again and again across the ages and restated in the language of the day. These restatements are genuine reflections of timeless truth, and their healing wisdom […]
How to Start Stripping Bullies of Their Power
There’s no denying that injustice and hardship hold sway in many places of this world. From a single child bullying another in the schoolyard, to leaders of countries directing the oppression of whole populations, we see the tragic effects when human beings punish others to advance themselves. For those who wish to change these conditions and help elevate the level […]
The Proof of Love Is All Around You
All those wise and great beings who have come before us — whether from Asia, India, Europe, the Americas, and from across time — have all shared in the same beautiful revelation: The Great Intelligence that created the universe, and each of us, is always presenting itself and wants to be known by us. Proof of its love and unity […]