Browse by: Quotation Source | Entire Living Book | The Seeker | The Search
Despite the many differences that seem to exist between peoples the world over — regardless of culture, tradition, environment, or heredity — there is but one seeker, one search, and one sacred object of our desire. The celestial source of this sacred being doesn’t just live within us… we are, in fact, one with it.
God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world.
Horses and oxen have four feet. That is natural. Place a halter on the head of a horse, or a rope through the nose of an ox. This is unnatural.
That is always best which gives me to myself. The sublime is excited in me by the great stoical doctrine, “Obey thyself.” That which shows God in me, fortifies me.
The heavens themselves, the planets, and this center, observe degree, priority, and place.
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live, according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust.
Justice not only saves those who possess it, but also leads many others to desire it, and always transports them from death to eternal immortality.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole.
That which hath been is now, and that which is to be hath already been.
Light is the shadow of God.
Charity bears all things, is long suffering in all things. There is nothing mean to charity, nothing arrogant. Charity knows no schism, does not rebel, does all things in concord. In charity all the lect of God have been made perfect.
I want to meet you to see if, at the end of this meeting, we leave as two.
So many things which once had distressed or revolted him — the speeches and pronouncements of the learned, their assertions and their prohibitions, their refusal to allow the universe to move — are seemed to him now merely ridiculous, non-existent, compared with the Majestic Reality, the flood of energy, which now revealed itself to him: omnipresent, unalterable in its truth, relentless in its development, untouchable in its serenity, maternal and unfailing in its protectiveness.
The conscious self is that which remains constant in its pure universality through all particular, changeful experiences.
You who love instruction and are eager to listen, receive once again the sacred words: delight yourselves in the honey of wisdom, for it is written, “Good words are honeycombs and their sweetness is the healing of the soul.”
For God grants wisdom from His mouth together with perception and practical wisdom, and stores up help for the righteous.
It is not “man” in the abstract who recognizes anything. It is always a certain principle, having become active in him, that recognizes its own counterpart in external nature, when it comes in contact with it. Only he in whom is light can see the light; only the element of love can feel love; only the divinity in man can know God in and through man.
There is no reaching the Self. If Self were to be reached it would mean that it is not here and now but that it is yet to be obtained. What is got afresh will also be lost. So it will be impermanent. What is not permanent is not worth striving for. So I say the Self is not reached. You are the Self. You are already That.
Silence cannot be purchased but comes when the mind is no longer seeking, caught in the process of becoming.
As the mind is made intelligent, the capacity of the soul for pure enjoyment is proportionately increased.
It’s the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet tender joy.
The rule for doing unto others as you would wish them to do unto you, calls for no miraculous proof, neither does it require faith, because the rule is convincing in itself, both to reason and to human nature.
True piety has in it nothing weak, nothing sad, nothing constrained. It enlarges the heart. It is simple, free, and attractive.
Higher, deeper, innermost, abides another life.
For if Life were questioned a thousand years and asked, “Why Live?”, and if there were an answer, it could be no more than this: “I live only to live!” And that is because Life is its own reason for being, springs from its own source, and goes on and on, without ever asking why — just because it is life. Thus, if you ask a genuine person, that is, one who acts (uncalculatingly) from his heart, “Why are you doing that?”, he will reply in the only possible way: “I do it because I do it!”