Browse by: Quotation Source | Entire Living Book | The Seeker | The Search
Despite the many differences that seem to exist between peoples the world over — regardless of culture, tradition, environment, or heredity — there is but one seeker, one search, and one sacred object of our desire. The celestial source of this sacred being doesn’t just live within us… we are, in fact, one with it.
We were taught to believe that the Great Spirit sees and hears everything, and that he never forgets, that hereafter he will give every man a spirit home according to his deserts. This I believe, and all my people believe the same.
God must act and pour himself into you the moment He finds you ready. Don’t imagine that God can be compared to an earthly carpenter, who acts or doesn’t act, as he wishes… who can will to do something or leave it undone, according to his pleasure. It is not that way with God: where and when God finds you ready, He must act and overflow into you, just as when the air is clear and pure, the sun must overflow into it and cannot refrain from doing that.
This one fact the world hates, that the soul becomes; for that forever degrades the past, turns all riches to poverty, all reputation to a shame, confounds the saint with the rogue, shoves Jesus and Judas equally aside.
Truth is the agreement of the mind with itself.
There is an intuitive knowing within us that we are eternal, but this gets covered over with the noise we create while identifying with the impermanent.
I am blind and do not see the things of this world… But when the light comes from above, it enlightens my heart and I can see, for the Eye of my heart sees everything.
I appeal to nothing but the state of your own hearts and consciences, to prove the necessity of your embracing this mystery of divine love.
The great Architect of the universe conceived and produced a being endowed with both natures, the visible and the invisible. God created the human being, bringing its body forth from the pre-existing matter which he animated with his own Spirit… Thus in some way a new universe was born, small and great at one and the same time. God set this “hybrid” worshipper on earth to contemplate the visible world, and to be initiated into the invisible; to reign over earth’s creatures, and to obey orders from on high. He created a being at once earthly and heavenly, insecure and immortal, visible and invisible, halfway between greatness and nothingness, flesh and spirit at the same time… an animal en route to another native land, and, most mysterious of all, made to resemble God by simple submission to the Divine will.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
I am the father of living beings and I should rescue them from their sufferings and give them the joy of the measureless and boundless Buddha wisdom so that they may find their enjoyment in that.
Inspiration must find answering inspiration.
In the presence of greater meaning all lesser meanings that fill our ordinary mind full to the brim, shrink to their true proportions, and cease to steal from us. For in the presence of greater meaning we are redeemed from everything small and trivial and absurd.
That which is real cannot be destroyed, but only that which is unreal. When a man finds that within him which is real, which is constant, abiding, changeless, and eternal, he enters into that Reality, and becomes meek. All the powers of darkness will come against him, but they will do him no hurt, and will at last depart from him.
Liberty is not in any form of government. It is in the heart of free man; he carries it with him everywhere.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Come near to this fire and you will soon be more than warm enough.
Genius is eternal patience.
My true being, the essence of my nature, myself, remains inviolate and inaccessible to the world’s attacks.
The Light by which we see this world comes out of the soul of the observer.
Celestial as thou art, O, pardon, love, this wrong,
That sings heaven’s praise with such an earthly tongue.
It is only when everything, even love fails that with a flash, man finds out how vain, how dream-like is this world. Then he catches a glimpse of the beyond. It is only by giving up this world that the other comes, never through holding on to this one.
We have lost sight of the original harmony. If you could hear the sound that is produced by the sunflower as it keeps on turning its head toward the sun, the friction between the flower and the air, and if you could hear the sound produced by the galaxies, you would hear and realize that the system is based upon a basic harmony, the harmony of the spheres.
Real ‘I’ is the Messiah, for whom the creature is waiting.
It is only when everything, even love, fails, that, with a flash, man finds out how vain, how dream-like is this world. Then he catches a glimpse… of the beyond. It is only by giving up this world that the other comes; never through holding onto this one.
Whilst a man seeks good ends, he is strong by the whole strength of nature… The perception of this law of laws awakens in the mind a sentiment which we call the religious sentiment, and which makes our highest happiness. Wonderful is its power to charm and to command. It is a mountain air.